fan correspondence

From time to time, I will be posting emails here from fans who are seeking particular things which others may be able to help with.

First up, a humbling email from a true fan …

I can’t begin to express my gratitude for what you’ve done, I felt I was one of 10 people in the world who even gave a damn about Saturn 3, and now thanks to you I feel elated to realize that others remember it as fondly as I do. For years I’ve wanted to make a replica of Hector, and with little to no good reference I’ve resorted to bad screen caps. Now with the release of the Blu-ray, I may finally find the images I’ve always needed.  It was that blu-ray that lead me to your site and I am so very happy to have found it and you for that matter.  I always felt that the movie never got it’s full measure, and most dismissed it outright, but to this day, I still make people watch just for Hector alone. If you come across any and all information (or perhaps know a way I can get in touch with Colin Chilvers  I would be forever indebted to you. Thank you again for making this site and for the help in making BTS for the blu-ray, I hope they paid you a decent sum, as you deserve it for caring about this more than anyone else I know.  Thank you.  – Malaki Keller 

Thank you for your email, Malaki – I’m so pleased you like the site. Hearing how much pleasure it brings to fans makes it all worthwhile! Unfortunately, I don’t have any direct links to Colin Chilvers, however, if Colin were to read this and would like to help Malaki out with his project, I would be more than happy to pass Malaki’s contact details on to him.

All the best,


5 responses to “fan correspondence

  1. Hey Malaki,

    I recently connected with someone who had direct involvement in the Blue-ray who is also currently collaborating with Colin on a personal project and I was able to pass on your query regarding Hector’s blue prints. Unfortunately, according to my source, Colin hasn’t kept any behind the scenes artifacts from Saturn 3 – so the fate of Hector’s original designs still remain a mystery at this stage. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful!


    • Hey Greg, I’m ashamed to say I didn’t see this till just now (many years later). I appreciate your efforts though and I thank you for that. I am (probably foolishly) attempting to rebuild Hector in the computer, a part at a time, I know from having made props for the film industry for years, that a majority of Hector looks like custom made parts, but some are “found” objects and those have been the harder thing to get right. But I will try to keep you updated when I have something better to show. Thank you again. -Malaki

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